For the last 10 years Bruce Ravelli, the inspiration behind this site, had deferred his textbook royalties (from sales at his home university) to sponsor the CW Mills Memorial Speaker’s Series. While the series was a success, it had run its course. In August 2015 Bruce decided to divert those funds to support the local non-profit organization, Out of the Rain. For Bruce it was time to use the funds in a way that might “make a difference”.
Out of the Rain provides shelter for homeless youth (aged 18-25) in Victoria between October and April. Bruce’s donation will provide funding for Friday Night Pizza Nights for the 2015-2016 season. Hopefully, students in Bruce’s sociology classes will see that by working together we can make a difference in peoples lives.
Bruce is pictured here with Jenn Mortimer, Manager, Youth Shelter and Homelessness Services for Beacon Community Services (the sponsoring agency for Out of the Rain).